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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Getting there

So here I am at "home" again--and by home I mean my mom's house. I spent a few days in sucky Toronto hanging out with the most awesome girlfriend ever (seriously, she bought me a remote controlled helicopter for my birthday, AND didn't get mad at me for wanting to fly it right away... or all the time.) and now I'm getting to spend a day at home enjoying home cooked food.

And in a few hours, I get to start driving again to make my way to Halifax, where I need to find an apartment within a few days. It should be all right. I found apartments in Victoria, twice, within a day or two of starting to look, so I'm not too worried. I actually have a few places I want to look at already.

In any case, I'm glad to be "off" and moving around, but at the same time I'm looking forward to sitting down in my new place, start work, and go back to a regular workout schedule and such.

And now I go on the road again, yeehaw!

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