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Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Well, I can't sleep tonight. Not only are there seemingly endless episodes of Mythbusters (with the delectable Kari Byron), but I'm sick. Must be the whole home-cooked-food deal; my stomach can't digest proper meals.

So, what does a Type A personality RMC student waiting to get on course do on his leave? Why, I don't know! I can tell you what I've been doing on my leave so far, though.

It can be reduced to one lovely little word: chilling. Although it's been pretty warm lately, I think it hit 29C today. In fact, they're forecasting over 30C for the next few days, and pretty humid. Lots of fun... NOT. I don't like the winter, but I don't like it when I feel like I'm melting, either. Like the good apostle of consensus I've always been, I like the happy middle. You know, when you can walk around in shorts yet you're not really sweating yet?

Okay, so I'm not totally idle. I've been reading a lot. I've caught up on most of my magazine-reading, I've gotten a wee bit further in the Gulag Archipelago (the abridge edition), and I'm about a third through Nelson: The Commander. I've also been practicing the pipes, although it's a bit useless as I won't be bringing the actual set of pipes with me to Esquimalt, only my practice chanter. (This is mostly because I got my papers to send stuff over AFTER everything was pretty much packed up and I was too lazy to re-pack and ship it, and now I only have room for uniforms and personal products.) Other than that... I'd say it has been rather quiet. I'm just enjoying the quiet. Or at least, I'm just quiet.

Honestly, even though I sometimes (ok, often) whine about all the stuff we have to do, I've grown used to having stuff to do at random times, for random periods, and generally not being able to sleep in late (I went back to bed after EPT, but that's not the same) and... yeah.

Only a week and a half left before NETPO*.. I can't wait.

*For those not in the know: NETPO means Naval Environment Training Period - Officers

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