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Friday, May 25, 2007

Artists: Leave My PM Alone (RANT)

Hey everyone,

As my long-time readers know, I love art. Any kind of art... well, most of it, anyway. However, I'm fairly certain a lot of people don't share my love for arts. (The biggest group being called "engineers")

Now, a writer who struck it big by writing a completely idiotic book has decided that if one doesn't like art, one is a very very bad person and (insert typical leftist pseudo-intellectual rant here). When our PM failed to show up to some artsy thing because he had more important things to do, that artist threw a fit. So, to make sure our fearless leader sees the light and stops being such a very very bad person who eats babies, that talentless writer is sending him one book per week. (One can only hope they aren't the writer's own books; it almost turned ME away from literature)

I could understand if the minister responsible for giving out funding for talentless writers was never available or the ministry didn't work or something like that, because, well, it's that minister's job. However, harrassing the Prime Minister because he doesn't have enough of an interest in literature to go to some artsy pat-on-the-back party, is ridiculous.

It pisses me off that leftist pseudo-intellectuals with nothing better to do and government money in their pockets think they're important enough that they can bug the Prime Minister about it and make baseless accusations of him not caring about art. If he really didn't care and hated art, he'd get his minister to cut funding to talentless artists, and probably to artists in general. As it stands, he isn't.

I wonder if engineers should start sending the PM some patents or maybe some engineering books? After all, I didn't see him at the last engineering contest I was at! Oh my god! The PM isn't interested in engineering! The whole of society is going to fall because of that! OH MY GOD! (...LQJR song...*)

Anyway, I'm done ranting. Have a good weekend everyone!


*If you aren't from Quebec, or you don't at least know people from Quebec, you probably won't get this. Even then, you might not, but ask around. Either way, you can try googling, or just forget about it.

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