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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ooooooh, bars! Aw, not *that* kind of bars, eh?

So, I'll finally have some form of power and legitimate authority at this College, next semester. Granted, it's the lower form of power and authority, as a Section Commander (in charge of a whopping, what, 6 people?), but still, it's a start.

I don't know how it will turn out, mostly because the only power I've ever had was transient and during training, but it should be all right. It's not like it's going to be that hard to keep track of a handful of people, right?

Anyway, I'll probably post something bigger this weekend, because right now I'm in a bit of "freakoutendofsemesterohmygodI'mgoingtofail" mode, with about a gazillion pages to write still. And a play to go see tonight (who schedules a field trip in essayfest? seriously.). Lovely.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Pendant que.....

Nous «rushons» à rentrer les meubles, séparer les boîtes ( cuisine, garage, chalet) nos très chers minous....se font dorer la couenne au soleil !

J'me réincarne en chat la prochaine fois !


Friday, November 23, 2007

Youtube - "We Need Girlfriend" bought by CBS

I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad, but for better or worse, my all-time second favourite youtube series has been bought out by Corporate America. (My all-time favourite youtube series being, of course Hey, Shipwreck.)

We Need Girlfriends, a series about three roommates in New York who (surprise surprise!) need girlfriends, had 11 episodes, each gathering over 700,000 views.

The show has been bought by CBS and will be produced by Sex and the City creator, Darren Star. Here is the youtube announcement by the producers of We Need Girlfriends:

The reason I'm not sure I'm happy about it is that even though I've now watched a youtube show go from episode one to corporate selling-out, I'm afraid it'll lose some of its edginess and inherent coolness, and will just turn into another boring romcom/sitcom.

Well, that and I don't have CBS. I don't even have a TV.

Let's launch operation "buy RMC students TVs."

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Dernière heure....

Il faut ABSOLUMENT que vous lisiez cette histoire.

EDIT 18 novembre : Il nous torture avec la suite !

Thursday, November 15, 2007

"I can write a paper about anything in one night..."

"It doesn't mean I like it."

I'm just procrastinating a little bit, taking a break from the wonderful discipline that is psychology. [/sarcasm] I have to finish a paper about the socialization of Officer Cadets (I guess they don't care about us Naval Cadets...) at RMC.

I have plenty of sources and I mostly know what I want to say, but unlike when I write history or French papers, I find myself suffering from writer's block. I know precisely how to write an A paper in French, and a solid B+ or possible A- in History. Psychology, however, is something I haven't done in years, and when I did take a psycho class, it didn't go too well. (I last took shrinkology in CEGEP, almost four years ago.)

Other than that, well, all is quiet on the northern front. I'm still dancing my way around and through life's worries, being a bad little RMC cadet... and I still wish I could just go back to the Navy life in beautiful Victoria, BC.

I have a few more papers to write in the coming weeks, and a few exams during the exam period, and then I get to go home (and do nothing) for a few weeks. I wish I could've gone to Europe, but unfortunately I'm too poor. Maybe at spring break.

Ah well, back to work for this intrepid procrastinator!

Saturday, November 10, 2007


J'm'ennuis d'mes gars ! La dernière fois que j'ai vu Petit Guerrier et P'tit comique remonte au 30 octobre dernier.....12 jours....c'est long...et il en reste encore 2 !

C'est bizarre, quand la plupart des belles-mères sont contentes d'avoir la paix....moi j'm'ennuis.

Petit Guerrier l'autre jour me demandait si j'étais déçue de ne pas avoir eu une job de boss. J'lui ai simplement répondu :

« C'est pas grave ça chaton, je vais me trouver une autre job de boss. Tsé, c'est ça que je faisais dans la vie avant de vendre des maisons. Entre temps je fais de la Radio»

Lui de me répondre :

« Hein ? Tu fais de la radio ? À quel poste pour que je puisse t'écouter avec mes amis »

J'ai trouvé ça tellement sweet ! J'aurais été portée à croire qu'il aurait «honte» de sa belle-mère. C'est fou comment un enfant peut, par de simples paroles, nous donner des ailes.

Sailor m'a raconté hier soir qu'il avait écouter une émission dans laquelle je parles des garçons ( remarquez que j'en parle régulièrement sur le show, mais mon chum n'écoute pas toutes les émissions.). Il leur a fait écouter un passage. Apparemment que les gars étaient très surpris que je parle d'eux à la radio.

J'ai trouvé ça cute.

'Savez, en bout d'ligne, j'suis contente de ne pas l'avoir eu la job de boss...Je tripe vraiment sur se qui est ma vie en ce moment. Comme je disais, je ne sais pas pour combien de temps encore, mais le ici/maintenant est tout simplement merveilleux !

Et vous ? Qu'est-ce qui vous rend heureux ?
Edit : Mon chum est en feu....2 billets en autant de semaine....ici le dernier ;-))

Monday, November 5, 2007

Lack of content

I just wanted to quickly apologize, yet again, for the lack of any good content on my blog. It's just been slightly crazy and demanding lately and to make it short, the past week (and more) have been tough in many ways.

Anyway, I'll try and post something somewhat relevant or entertaining this weekend, but I doubt I'll have the time, the energy or the will to post before that.

Again, I'm sorry, and I know those of you who have been reading this for a while expect more, and better, posts.