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Friday, September 28, 2007

Reunion Week, Minimalist Theatre, and Swing Dancing

Well, RMC is in full Reunion Weekend swing by now. The First Years had their obstacle course today, and got their College coin--which really, really, really pisses me off. For my year, it was decided that the former way of getting the coins was too "cult-like" so instead of having any ceremony, the coins were handed out at the end of a completely unrelated meeting, with the Sqadron Sargeant just reading off the numbers on the coins and us picking them up. It was quite anticlimactic. This year, they at least had the decency to get the Old Brigade (ex-cadets who graduated 50 years ago) to hand out the coins. (By the way, Mr. Rogers(?), who spoke on parade... my last two are 18. Please don't make me buy you beer this weekend! Can I just buy you a bottle of good wine?)

Tomorrow is the badging ceremony, when First Years will actually be integrated into the Wing. Once again, the Old Brigade hands out the badges. It's a fun little parade, really. Good thing I'm in the band, though, because standing there and doing the advance in review order is really not one of my favourite things to do.

So, you may ask, what does all that have to do with Minimalist Theatre and Swing Dancing?

Well, it so happens that, this week, we had parade practice pretty much every day, on top of it being a heavy week for homework, and me actually having a life (sortof)... Last night I reached a point of lack-of-sleepedness that I hadn't experienced since FYOP. On Monday night I went to the Swing Club, and after I had to finish a book, so I went to bed late. On Tuesday, we had parade practice and I had another book to finish, and a paper to start writing. On Wednesday, we had a lovely morning march, followed by a piping practice, then more schoolwork, class, and then we went to Montreal to see a play--a 13 hour trip, altogether--so I got to bed at around 3, then got up at 0545 on Thursday to go to pipe practice, had class, had a PE class, had another class, then had parade practice, and then went swinging again. Let's just say I was destroyed, by then.

Sadly, I don't have much more to talk about. I'm still in need of a good, uninterrupted night's sleep, which I probably won't get until next weekend, and then again only maybe.

Anyways, I might try and write a little spiel after Reunion Weekend is over. Or maybe you guys will just have to wait until something interesting happens, like me going to Annapolis, or Hart House (maybe), or... uh... yeah, that's pretty much it.

Stay frosty, RMC.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Light blogging this week

As light as blogging has been recently, it'll be even lighter for the rest of the week. (Read: absent) This is a crazy week at RMC and I've let the work pile up a little bit, so I'll be quite busy the rest of the week. I'll try and post something over the weekend but, as you all know, things always come up at random points and make it so I can't post, so... we'll see.

Anyways, in case any of you are wondering, everything's going well, but there are very few things I can actually talk about on here, right now.

I'll get around to actually posting something relevent and mildly interesting, soon. Until then, keep an eye on the bad guys for me.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Pêle-mêle !

Y'a des ces moments qu'on aimerait fixer dans le temps. De ces journées qu'on aimerait qu'elles durent une éternité....

Je suis rentré tard hier du boulot ( ben tard dans le sens que je rentre de Gatineau en après-midi normalement, mais hier je suis arrivé passé 19h00 ).

Mon chéri est sorti m'aider à rentrer mes bagages et les enfants ont suivis.

Petit Comique est venu me donner un gros câlin et je me suis retourné pour prendre mes souliers dans le coffre. J'entends en me retournant Petit Guerrier qui me lance :

«Hey ! Pis mon câlin, moi ?»

Oups !

Pendant deux ans, Petit Guerrier n'a jamais été ben, ben affectueux. Et voilà que dernièrement, il est à la limite du «téteux» avec moi. Ça me fait vraiment tout drôle.

Et même rendu comique, lui aussi.

Je trouve qu'il «vieilli bien». Je le sens de plus en plus extraverti. Il est de moins, en moins ce ti-gars bougonneux et chialeux.

Il s'est même inscrit ( par lui-même là ! ) dans l'équipe de hokey Cozom ( ça s'écrit comment ça là ? ) à son école. J'trouve ça merveilleux qu'il (enfin) ai un intérêt pour quelque chose, qu'il l'exprime et agisse en conséquence.

Petit Comique, lui, est définitivement le «bollé» des deux. Mais se que je trouve encore plus cool, c'est que chacun puisse être bon dans quelque chose. Je l'exprime peut-être mal, mais c'est l'fun qu'ils puissent de part et d'autre exceller à quelque chose....ou à tout le moins tenter de le faire sans être en compétition entre eux.

Je les trouve vraiment beaux ces kids.

J'en r'viens juste pas que ça peut être aussi beau....et intelligents !

Bon, faut dire que le père a quelque chose à y avoir ;-).

Pis c'est l'fun en mozuss d'arriver à la maison ( après une semaine de c**) et voir celle-ci toute propre, avoir un souper préparé avec amour par son homme et deux ti-culs de bonne humeur et enthousiastes à me raconter leurs histoires.

J'vous jures que je ne m'ennuies pas pantoute de ma vie de vieille-fille !

Just a little something to think about

Something came up last night as I was dancing with this girl... I've only been swing dancing for, well, all of four days (I started Monday) and so I still don't really have a clue what I'm doing; I just try to do as well as I can.

So, I was dancing with this girl, (who, incidentally, is very cute) and we came upon the subject of leading and following, and she said it was good that I was actually leading even though I'm still not really good at dancing yet, because usually guys kinda let the girl (the follow) lead if she's more experienced, even though they're supposed to be leading. It got me thinking (and I actually said something to that effect) that if I wasn't confident enough to "lead" in a swing dancing class, which is (almost) totally safe, while getting feedback and instructions from people who know what they're doing... how the hell would I be expected to, one day, lead men into battle when their lives are at stake?

Sure, I don't feel that confident about dancing. I don't know all the moves perfectly and I definately need to improve on the footwork. But it's just like being in charge of people, or being the OOW: you might not know everything you'd like to know, and there might be things you're just not comfortable with, but you gotta be confident and if you make a mistake, you just get on with it and hope for the best. Better to screw up a bit (step on someone's toes, say) while being confident at the front, than not screw up but be following someone else.

It's kind of funny, though, how being at RMC makes me appear so confident when I go into the civilian world. Ah well, as they say, "it's all good."

Stay classy, RMC. And try to forget about this whole Wednesday March madness... at least until next Tuesday night.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Coming soon: an update

I can't even pretend I've been busy... I've just been lazy. Anyway, I should post tomorrow at some point, although I don't have much to say beyond recounting going to Queen's Swing Club, which was awesome.

Anyway, don't despair, dear readers, I'm coming back.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Yé comique !

Hé boy ! Desfois j'me demande à quoi pensent ces élus municipaux !

Hier, suite au début des travaux de la commission Bouchard-Taylor, le très cher maire de la Ville de Gatineau a fait cette déclaration :

«De son côté, le maire de Gatineau Marc Bureau a décrit sa ville comme un modèle en termes d'intégration, notamment grâce à ses activités visant à favoriser le rapprochement entre les cultures.»


Je vous jures qu'y'en a pas !

J'ai vu mon premier noir à Gatineau en 1980....une famille sur 180 logements. Au secondaire, y'en avait 2....pis au CEGEP peut-être une dizaine.

Aujourd'hui encore, en 6 mois, j'ai vue UNE femme qui portait le voile traditionnel musulman sur ses cheveux sur la rue. Pis des Burka* j'en ai vu aucune.

Pas plus que des juifs 'a frisettes.

J'vous parle pas de l'autre côté de la rivière là....Ho ! non, là c'est pas pareil ! C'est une autre game.

À Gatineau, il y a une grande communauté de Portugais qui sont ici depuis de siècles, ainsi qu'une bonne communauté de libanais qui font la meilleur Pizza en Ville....et j'oubliais quelques asiatiques qui tiennent des dépanneurs.

Mais on ne peut pas dire qu'au jour le jour on s'enfarge dans les immigrants à tout bout d'champs !

Une Ville MODÈLE en terme d'intégration !

Pfffff !

C'est n'importe quoi !

P.S : Pourquoi la commission débute ses travaux en Région où la masse immigrante est moins importante ? J'ai l'impression qu'on se fout de notre gueule avec cette affaire là !

P.S2 : Le manque de rectitude politique est volontaire afin d'alléger le texte !

* Burka.....tk ! le cossin qui cache le visage aussi avec la p'tite fenêtre juste pour les yeux !

Thursday, September 6, 2007

That's how we do it in the Narmy

Well, the DCdts (Director of Cadets) told us on parade that he intends to make the Wednesday morning marches be actual ruck marches, vice the current "cohesion marches"--walking around somewhat briskly without any kind of gear on.

While I'm sure the Army people at RMC are thrilled, I fail to see how it has any kind of relevence to my job as a MARS officer. I mean, I'm sure it has some kind of fitness advantage, but if they wanted us to get fitter, they could make us run or do circuit training. I'm not knocking the DCdts' plan, mostly because I don't know all the details, but it seems like this is becoming the RAC vice RMC--Royal Army College.

I'm sure there is still some part of the chain of command who reads this, so here's a little suggestion: how about we really become like West Point, and get peninsula-wide wifi, and get the College to supply laptops to everyone? If we're going to get the cons of being like West Point, we might as well get the perks.

Anyway, I'm the first to acknowledge I need to get my butt in better shape, so instead of walking around the College, why don't we get some real fitness training, like more circuits or something? It won't be as fun as trying to get the anglos to speak French while walking around, but I'm sure we'll get used to it.

Other than that, classes are good. This little law course I'm taking might turn out to be pretty interesting after all.

Until next time, stay FYOPey, RMC.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Admin, inclearance, and boredom

That pretty much summarizes my whole first week back. We had about... two or three hours of stuff to do every day, at most, and most of it involved sitting around being bored.

Anyway, I now have my band kit (kilt, scarlets, etc), my regular RMC kit (scarlets and #4s), my CMTT (the stuff I sent directly here from Esquimalt), and my schedule... well, most of it anyway. Because of some technical difficulties they didn't put it up properly, so I know when most of my courses are, but I still have no idea when my athletics are. No big deal; I just hope they don't destroy my wonderful free-Wednesday schedule.

Other than that... well, it looks like it'll be an all right year, academically. There are few (or no) other people in most of my courses, and I won't be stuck with idiots for almost all of them. I have a lot of books to read, though, which worries me a bit. I'm fine with reading a book a week, but with all the books I have, it looks more like two or three a week, on top of research. I guess I'll do a little less personal reading and a little more class reading. On the plus side, a lot of the books I've wanted to read for a while but never got around to are on the reading list for my classes, so reading them will serve a double purpose.

That's about all I have. I'll try and update this week as actual classes start.

Stay classy, San Diego. I'm Ron Burgundy?