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Thursday, April 19, 2007

You know what really grinds my gears?

Okay, so I wrote a long drawn-out post about writing skills because, well, I'm a language major and it was relevent at the time.

Anyway, here are a few other things that really annoy me, and a short explanation as to why they do.

Chewing with your mouth open

I think it's a cultural problem of English Canada. In Quebec, most people chew with their mouths closed. Even kids get told to do that, because it's polite and it's right. English Canadians, however--at least those my age--seem to not care. They chew with their mouths open. And it's not that they fully close their lips, either; they open their mouths wide, and chew, like cows. It's utterly disgusting.

Why did I say it's cultural in English Canada? Most English Canadians I know do it, but very few French Canadians do, and a minute minority of all Americans I know do it. Sadly I haven't really travelled much, so I can't be certain about other countries.

Point is, chew with your mouth closed you inbred redneck anglo retards.*

Barging in without knocking

Now, this is two-pronged and represents the same idea. There are the people who just don't believe in knocking (Door flings open. "What's up?"), and those who don't believe in waiting (Knock knock. "I'M NAKED!" Door flings open. "What's up?"). Both are equally as disrespectful. In fact, I prefer that the person just not bother knocking; at least it doesn't scream "I'm too lazy and stupid to fully respect social conventions so I'll do a half-assed job of it."

Thing is, those people who I'm cool with having them just barge in, (close friends) know it pisses me off so they don't do it. The people who I really don't want to have barge in, don't know, and when they do, they choose to ignore it because they're wankers. Which brings me to my other point.

Having to get mad at people before they stop

I'm the first to admit I have a short fuse. Really, I do. However, I try to be patient and accomodating when I'm stuck with people to not make the situation worse. Usually, if something bugs me, I'll let it go, especially if it's infrequent. However, if something really annoys me, I'll politely ask that the other person stop doing whatever it is that annoys me.

But many annoying people are wankers.

So, I ask again. I drop not-so-subtle hints. I ask less politely. (Going from "I'd really appreciate if you'd stop that," to "could you please stop that," to "stop that.") The problem is, some idiots, when you tell them politely, just do it more.

Half the time, when confronted with someone like that, I'm left with being forced to raise my voice, curse, threaten violence, or a combination of the three. ("Stop f**king singing or I'll bash your douchetard face in.")

That's just a few things that bug me, but I had to vent because I'm really bored and annoyed.

I'll probably write something more pompous and self-important later.

* Not all anglos are inbred, rednecks, or retards. Even less are all three. I just needed to add character to my point.

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